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  • scarpe rialzanti scarpe rialzanti
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Los Angeles




EAN: 0036336275348

Inserisci qui le tue richieste

* Campi obbligatori

495,00 €


  • Tomaia in pelle pieno fiore
  • Fodera interna in morbida pelle di capretto
  • Suola, tomaia e soletto sono raccordate e cucite a vista
  • Sottopiede e soletto in vero cuoio
  • Tacco in vero cuoio con antiscivolo in gomma
  • Lacci in cotone cerato
  • Suola in vero cuoio lavorata artigianalmente con antiscivolo in gomma
  • Rialzo a scelta tra: 6 cm, 7 cm o 8 cm
  • Fatte a mano in Italia

Guida Colori

  1. I would never have believed that a pair of shoes would increase my confidence! review by Paul on 23/12/2016

    Dear Guido M,
    I was 5'6 tall, now I am 5'9 , thanks to your great shoes. I never thought I would own blue shoes before, but I took a chance and could not be happier with the feel and the look of them. I would never have believed that a pair of shoes would increase my confidence! I'm looking forward to new styles in the future!

    Paul T., Boston, MA, USA

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